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Deut32:51 For both of you betrayed me… You failed to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel there. So you will see the land from a distance, but you may not enter the land I am giving to the people of Israel.


Moses in the bible was the first person to pastor a mega church. Pastoring a single congregation of over 3 million for almost four decades is no mean feat. Moses was exceptional. In Christian leadership, after Christ, one can learn a lot of leadership lessons from Moses’ life. Anytime I study the life of Moses, I don’t know of any Pastor whether dead or living that had the kind of shepherd’s heart Moses had.

To lead over 3 million people out of Egypt on foot and ensure they are well fed, properly governed and protected is no small task. He pastored a whole nation. I doubt If many of us could bear a little of what Moses bore without giving up. I don’t have his patience, I must confess. The people he led criticized and frustrated him even to a point where God wanted to destroy them all except Moses and his family.

Pastor Moses pleaded with God to spare them and God did (Ex32:9-14). That’s a true Pastor. If I were him, I may have told God to kill them all so that I’ll be free from their troubles but this wonderful pastor made no such request. Though he was the meekest man on earth, Moses did not make it to the promise. Why? The seed of anger in him that manifested in Egypt and later in his ministry was what prevented him from entering the promise land.

In Egypt, he killed an Egyptian out of anger(Ex2:11-15), the devil saw it and he saw in Moses what he could use to bring him down but he didn’t act on it immediately. Again, when he returned from the mountain and he saw them worshipping a calf, out of anger, he broke the stone tablet (Ex32:19). The devil said ‘yes, this seed is growing’. Funnily, his anger seems justified considering the stress of fasting, climbing mountains and praying but God didn’t see it that way.

His anger was not daily but occasional, yet it was his undoing. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when he hit the rock out of anger instead of speaking to it (Num20:11). That was where he missed it. From the first time he killed till he lost it at the rock, If I’m not wrong in my calculations, it took a space of almost 80 solid years.

The seed of hell that bring men down from destiny and glory sometimes doesn’t grow on time but the devil knows it is there waiting for it to manifest at the time that matters most.

Jesus boldly declared that the prince of this world “x-rayed” him but couldn’t find anything that belongs to hell in him: “Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me”( John 14:30 KJV).

Can you say the same thing about your life? Christians of old pray for purging because they understand this thing.

Your earnest desire should be for a thorough purging so that God can rid your life of destructive seeds.

PRAYER: Father, purge from my life every destructive seed and ingredients of hell In Jesus name.